MP Hassan rejects Ambiga's claim of Unity Gov't being dictatorial
Hassan Abdul Karim said the government can be challenged for the social media licensing plan, but calling it dictatorial is unfair.
Tue Jul 30 2024

Oct 21 court decision on bid to challenge delay of Undi 18 implementation
The High Court here has fixed Oct 21 for a decision on the legal action by 18 Malaysian youths to challenge the government's action in delaying the implementation of Undi 18.
Mon Aug 23 2021

Undi18: 'Persoalan ini patut dijawab di Parlimen, bukan balai polis' - Hannah Yeoh
Ahli Parlimen Segambut, Hannah Yeoh menjelaskan bahawa pihak pembangkang mempunyai banyak persoalan yang ingin ditanyakan kepada Menteri Undang-Undang, Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan
Fri Apr 02 2021

Muda appoints panel of lawyers to solve registration issue with RoS
Muda founder Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman said the application form to register Muda as a political party was submitted to RoS on Sept 17.
Mon Dec 21 2020

Haramkan perkahwinan kanak-kanak, Ambiga beritahu kerajaan
Pengharaman perkahwinan kanak-kanak hanya memerlukan kerajaan meluluskan satu undang-undang bagi menghalangnya.
Fri Sep 28 2018

IRC saran IPCMC ganti EAIC
Jawatankuasa Reformasi Institusi (IRC) mencadangkan Suruhanjaya Integriti Agensi Penguatkuasaan (EAIC) supaya digantikan dengan Suruhanjaya Bebas dan Salah Laku Polis (IPCMC).
Tue Jun 19 2018

Cadangan reformasi institusi dikemuka kepada Kerajaan dua bulan lagi
Cadangan reformasi institusi utama di Malaysia akan dikemukakan kepada kerajaan melalui Majlis Penasihat Kerajaan dalam tempoh dua bulan.
Wed May 16 2018

Council of Eminent Persons forms Committee on Institutional Reforms
The Council of Eminent Persons today announced the formation of a five-member Committee on Institutional Reforms.
Tue May 15 2018

Gerakan: Ambiga must come clean on Rewcastle-Brown's claim
Members of the public have the right to know how she obtained the information, from whom and by what means.
Wed Nov 01 2017

Ambiga loses leave to appeal bid over travel ban to Sabah
Chief Judge of Malaya Tan Sri Ahmad Maarop, chairing the Federal Court three-man bench, unanimously dismissed Ambiga's application for leave to proceed with her appeal against the travel ban decision.
Wed Sep 20 2017

RUU 355 - Will it affect the non-Muslims?
The proposed changed to RUU 355 that seeks to enhance the Syariah Court punishment has provoked strong public reactions in the country.
Sat Mar 18 2017

Set up IPCMC, implement EAIC recommendations - Ambiga
Datuk S. Ambiga said the recommendations of the Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC) in 20016 should also be implemented immediately.
Wed Feb 22 2017

Maria Chin fail habeas corpus pohon dibebas serta merta daripada tahanan
Maria Chin Abdullah yang ditahan mengikut Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan(Langkah-Langkah Khas) 2012 (SOSMA), memfailkan permohonan habeas corpus.
Tue Nov 22 2016

Bersih 5: Peaceful end, no drama
The street protest to demand for clean elections and government, Bersih 5, ended at 6pm on Saturday after a peaceful march that saw parts of Kuala Lumpur enveloped in yellow shirts.
Sat Nov 19 2016

Kerajaan Selangor mohon tangguh prosiding inkuiri oleh SPR
Kerajaan Selangor akan memohon untuk tangguhkan inkuiri yang dikendali SPR sementara menunggu permohonan kebenaran semakan kehakiman didengar dan diputuskan mahkamah.
Wed Nov 09 2016